Get the Most Out of Your Invisalign Treatment

Orthodontic treatment is an investment of your time and money, and we want to help you make the most of it at Guymon Orthodontics. Several options are available in our Logan and Hyrum offices, and one of the most popular is Invisalign clear aligners. If you’re considering clear aligner therapy for yourself or your child, knowing what to expect is essential. Let’s look closer at the Invisalign system, how it straightens smiles, and how you can get the most out of your Invisalign treatment!

What are Invisalign clear aligners?

Knowing what Invisalign is and how it works is important. The first step is learning about fixed and removable appliances.

Metal braces are an example of a fixed appliance. That means Dr. Guymon attaches the brackets directly to the teeth, and you can’t remove them until your treatment is done.

While they both straighten smiles, Invisalign uses a series of clear removable aligners to move your teeth. The aligners are made of a special thermoplastic resin molded to fit snugly and comfortably over your teeth.

Because they’re removable and nearly invisible, Invisalign gives you more freedom and flexibility than traditional braces, making them an excellent alternative if you want a subtle treatment option that won’t interfere with your daily life.

Now that you know what Invisalign is and how it works, here are some helpful tips to maximize your Invisalign treatment!

Keep your aligners clean.

It’s important to regularly clean your Invisalign trays to maintain their clear appearance and avoid bacteria buildup. The aligners can also stain, so you shouldn’t skip cleaning them, even for a night! To maintain good oral hygiene while using aligners, it’s important to follow these steps:


  • Rinse your aligners thoroughly after removing them to prevent bacteria buildup.
  • Soak your aligners regularly using denture cleaner or Invisalign cleaning crystals to keep them clean and sanitized.
  • Brush and floss your teeth before putting your aligners back in to avoid trapping harmful particles.
  • Use a clear antibacterial soap to clean your aligners and keep them fresh.
  • Be gentle while brushing your aligners to prevent scratches or visible marks.


  • Eat or drink anything but water while wearing your aligners.
  • Use toothpaste to clean the aligners.
  • Leave your aligners out of the case when you’re not wearing them.
  • Forget to clean them every time you take them out.
  • Leave your aligners near hot liquid or surfaces.

Follow the guidelines from your orthodontist.

When you schedule a consultation in our Logan or Hyrum office, Dr. Guymon will determine if Invisalign is right for your smile. If you wear your aligners like Dr. Guymon teaches you, Invisalign can effectively fix most mild to moderate orthodontic issues.

Your orthodontic treatment plan is customized for your unique case, but some general expectations exist. For example, you’ll wear the aligners for 20-22 hours daily throughout the treatment and replace them with a new set every few weeks.

The total treatment time will vary from case to case, but the average patient usually wears aligners for 9-15 months, depending on compliance. Follow the guidelines from Dr. Guymon to avoid dealing with longer treatment times and subpar results.

Maintain your oral hygiene.

The most important step in your oral hygiene routine is brushing your teeth. These guidelines will keep your teeth healthy and your smile bright.

  • Brush three times a day—after each meal and before bed. If you’re in braces, brush around every part of them.
  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoridated toothpaste.
  • Brush at a 45-degree angle toward the gum line, moving the toothbrush across every surface of every tooth to remove bacteria and trapped food.
  • Floss every night before bed to remove anything that’s gotten stuck. Use a floss threader or Waterpik to clean hard-to-reach areas.
  • Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months or sooner if you have a cold or other illness.
  • Use antimicrobial and fluoride mouthwashes to help further improve your oral health.

Never skip a check-up.

With Invisalign, you don’t have to worry about getting your braces adjusted and tightened every few weeks. Instead, you get to do that on your own by changing out your trays. But you’ll still need to attend the occasional check-up with us to ensure your treatment goes according to plan.

It’s important to go to every check-up appointment. If anything comes up or you can’t make it, contact our office to reschedule as soon as possible. Remember, these appointments help keep your treatment on track.

Transform your smile with Invisalign and Guymon Orthodontics

Are you ready to learn more about how Invisalign can transform your smile? Our team at Guymon Orthodontics is here to help! Contact our Logan or Hyrum office to schedule your consultation and get started today!